Wednesday 12 September 2012

xtreme fat loss diet - most common dilemmas

How long does it take to lose weight and reaches a maximum?

Weight loss can be a very frustrating endeavor. You must be a healthy diet, exercise, and, then, to wait. Sometimes you notice a small improvement, while others pute even that. Like that and nothing happens. Exercise and watch the calories, but the scale does not move from the deadlock?

In short: you will start to lose weight when you start. If you reduce your intake of calories (about 500 along with diet and exercise) and are consistent regimen every day in theory you should lose 0.45 pounds a week. However, one should also take into account other factors, such as sex, weight, age, level of physical fitness, or condition and hereditary factors. Would not you overcome this frustrating phase mode:

Focus on what you can control : a healthy diet and consistent exercise.
Forget about what you can not control: genetics, age, gender and body shape.
Get the balance: will not show you how much body fat you lose. Measure it, measure body fat, or use one of the methods of monitoring progress.
Focus on the results you obtain: Do you feel better? You walk faster or longer? Strengthen? Sleep Better? You have more energy? This is progress and good news for your health which will surely continue to motivate.
Second Why can not I get rid Mohave abdomen and thighs?

Many have noted that even if you lose weight, some areas not to be reduced (eg, abdomen, hips, thighs). If you have already made countless sit-ups in the mission of solid belly, remember:

Spot training does not help: crunches will not reduce fat in the abdomen and leg exercises will not reduce cellulite on the thighs and hips.
You need to lose fat, you want to lose weight: cardio , weight training and diet are three key factors if you want results.
Even fat loss does not guarantee perfection: your body to decide when and where to lose fat, not you. Give all of yourself through exercise and diet, and allow the body to respond to it.
Focus on the positive results: perhaps you'd rather lose an inch in the waist than the upper arm or the list, but progress is progress. If you are losing inches on the right path and you will eventually come to those stubborn areas, just be persistent and patient.

3rd I no longer skinny. What is wrong?

Maximum can happen to everyone. Perform the same exercise constantly your body adapts to exercise and lose its effectiveness.

If you reach the maximum, try:

Increase exercise intensity: Accelerate your usual workout or try interval training would you not improve endurance and burn calories.
Try something new: Stagger body activity you've never done before - ride a bike, swim and prevent your muscles get used to one form of exercise.
Lift weights: if you do not train with weights start with a basic program 2-3 times a week. The muscles will improve your metabolism and help you to get rid of such unwanted fat. Does lifting weights regularly change the routine would not have provided a challenge muscles in different ways.
Add another day for exercise: even extra 15-20 minutes a week will help you burn more calories.
4th Practicing for months and actually gain weight!

We already told you that put that scale and use a variety of methods for monitoring progress. Libra does not show you what you lose or you get. Follow the program is likely to get the muscle mass of debris.

Even if you gain weight you can lose fat: muscles are heavier than fat composition and occupy less space. Pay attention to how your clothes. If you weigh more, but you better clothes standing on the right path.
Measure yourself: take a meter and measure your chest, waist, hips, arms and thighs. Measure them every few weeks and track the progress. If you are losing inches not give up.
You've reached the weight and not anything slimmer, pay attention to diet: some people eat more you practice more, thinking that if exercise can eat whatever they want. Perhaps more than the usual resting after exercise which changes the number of calories during the day. Keep a food diary and activity and of what is actually happening.
5th I work out for a few weeks, but I see no results. How do I proceed?

I focus only on weight just to annoy you. Instead, keep your focus on what you exercise it provides:

More energy
Better sleep
Better concentration
Improved circulation
Less Stress
More confident
Do not worry about the lack of results, or the various dilemmas maximum weight loss. Remember that this process requires time, patience and consistency. Will take months or even years before you notice a big change. Therefore, if you want to give up remember that everything you do now will affect your quality of life in the future.

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