Central European encephalitis
is a rare inflammation of the meninges and the brain, triggered by a virus. The
virus is Transmitted by bites of infected ticks (Ixodes ricinus), der in turn
got it from other animals in the forest, som mice, deer, etc.
In some areas of Central Europe deltager the disease is endemic. This betyder det
Occurs every spring and summer (month from March to November, mostly in July
and August), but to a very limited grad. In addition to Central Europe and Siberia having the disease in recent years GAINED more
foothold in Northern Europe, elsewhere some dove two climate change in the form of
warmer winters and dermed better living conditions for ticks.
virus-infected ticks are
bl.a.også in southern Sweden. In Denmark the only Bornholm, elsewhere a
demonstrated significantly Party of forest workers (20%) have antibodies
against the disease, but without Any of disse not have been sick.
What is the risk of being
bitten by an infective tick and get sick?
risk of contracting an infection
depends very much on elsewhere you are. The frequency of the virus in ticks in Europe
varies mellem 0.1% and 5%. In some parts of Central Europe, the incidence of TBE 3-4 fold over the last 10 years.
In Austria Offered vaccination to all, and here we have the seen a decrease of
90% of the number of sick.
Countries in Europe,
som recorded mest customized
fat loss, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Poland and (South-) Germany. Men, it is probably only a maximum of 25% of infected
dem der utvikle betydelig disease, and disse perhaps about. third, Experiencing
symptoms of encephalitis.
How does the disease itself?
Sygdmmen ofte Occurs in two
phases. From infection to go there about a week (which may take up to three
weeks). Symptoms in the first phase, der Lasts about 5 days, similar til flu:
Muscle Pain
General Weakness.
In cirka two Thirds of patient
than up with the disease, the fever disappears og de bli completely healthy.
The residue may Men after a
symptom-free interval of one week's time utvikle nervous system symptoms in the
second phase:
Encephalitis with kraftiug
headache and stiff neck (meningitis)
encephalitis with confusion,
ændret consciousness, perhaps. faintness, trembling and management
besværligheder (encephalitis)
inflammation of the brain and
nervous rygmarvsvævet with severe pain, partial paralysis, or sensory
disturbances (meningoencephalo-myelitis, - radikulitis).
A large part of the påvirket
fully recover from the disease, but the studies have the vist incomplete
healing of the problems in the nervous system of approx. 40% of the patient der
udviklet real encephalitis (encephalit). It is especially adults over 60 years
som kan badly påvirket, hvprimod children ofte escape much
nemmere from the disease.
How is it diagnosed?
Diagnosis is made by a blood
test. Only about half of patients having noticed som de har bitten by a tick,
and the diagnosis kan not be made without a blood test. The sample used primarily
for border against andre infectious diseases with similar symptoms.
, The preferred method to get
a definite diagnosis is two look for antibodies two hjernebetændelses virus.
These Substances ska almost always be detected in a blood test da symptoms from
the nervous system begins.
How is Central European
There is no specific treatment
for the Central European encephalitis, once it has occurred, there is it is
recommended for people living in areas at high risk of infection with viruses
der having a preventive vaccination. This gælder også people traveling two
disse areas and fordi of the special leisure aktiviteter deemed særlig
vulnerable two tick bites.
Previously, it was recommended
two give a special so-called "hyperimmunoglobulin" by injection two
people in risk areas were er bitten by ticks. Imidlerrtid ice effkten very
Controversial, and there are fears att this treatment in some, may aggravate
the disease, given this immunoglobulin is no longer.
What can you do yourself?
If you have to travel tll
areas in Central and Eastern Europe with high incidence of TBE, and you have
two be out in nature (forests and uncultivated areas), kan vælge be vaccinated
against Central European encephalitis. The vaccine består inactivated virus,
som injected into the muscle of the shoulder. It is given in three stages:
dose 28 to 90 days later
dose 5:02 a.m. 12 months later.
Protection starts about two
weeks after the second vaccination and Lasts for three years. Should rabies
vaccination every three years.
What are the side effects of
The type hjernebetændelses
vaccine used in Denmark (TicoVac), is well tolerated by musts. Men, in some cases cause
discomfort in the form of redness and swelling at the injection site and fever,
especially in children. Emoluments paid symptoms are headache, muscle and joint
pain. In turn giver the full vaccination with three doses probably more than
90% protection against the disease. Children between 1 and 16 years must have
only half dose (TicoVac junior).
When ska vaccination be
To ulike acute feverish
infections and diseases, der påvirket the immune system.
City hypersensitivity two eggs
(albumen) or against the vaccine preservative.
In pregnancy and lactation
perioder vaccination ska used only after careful betragtning of the benefit two
risk, as it lacks experience in this field. Since it is a "killed"
vaccine and the risk of damage, HOWEVER, is very small.
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