Tuesday 11 September 2012

jump manual - 10 best places for diving

Great Barrier Reef - perhaps the most spectacular natural wonder of the world. The world's largest coral reef system, surpassing in size the UK, and the variety of fauna inferior whole continents.

Total reef almost 3000, coral islands - 71 varieties of coral - 350 species of mollusks - 4000, varieties of fish - 1500, and their colors do not dream and the impressionists. Even excluding travel, journey will not cheap ($ 50 per dive), but the money is undoubtedly worthwhile.

This is quite a place frequented by divers, to the diving industry was organized perfectly. A large number of dive sites avoids crowding the water and feel like one on one with the ocean. You can come here with any level of training. And if you want, you can do even without scuba gear: the experience will be enough, even if the dive in the mask with a tube.

When to go:
All year round, but are considered high season in October, November and December.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - +25 ... +30 ° C. Average visibility - 20-30 meters. Certification level - from OWD PADI.


Catalina Island, 35 miles from the California coast - Reserve "beautiful" life. With the "mainland" come here for a romantic weekend, take a walk through the narrow steep streets with colonial houses and play in the casino, "Avalon", built by the family of manufacturers of chewing gum Wrigley's.

And now - more and dive: the island was known as one of the best dive sites in North America. Along the coastline there are 49 dive sites of varying degrees of complexity. The most famous - Avalon Underwater Park - is located right next to the ballroom "Casino" and is ideal for beginners.

The park is dominated by the giant kelp that reach a hundred meters in length. Marine fauna are bright orange Garibaldi, California horned shark (one of the smallest in the world - about 40 cm in length), moray eels, fathead lip with a square head and the ubiquitous sea bears.

One of the most interesting, but at the same time challenging dive sites located one mile from the western part of the island. It's a lonely pinnacle Ship Rock, a distance resembles a sail ship. Depth at the bottom of the cliff reaches 39 meters, but there are shallow waters, where sank the 30-meter schooner XIX century Diosa del Mar. On a clear calm day you can see it even without cumbersome dive equipment - from the ordinary mask.

When to go:
From May to October.
Conditions for diving:
The water temperature in the summer - +18 ... +20 ° C. Visibility - about 20 m Average depth - 15-20 m Certification - OWD PADI.


These islands are not immediately find the map, but at the mention of their eyes will certainly arise turquoise lagoons, palm trees, white sand beaches and other pictures, accompanying the advertising slogan "a heavenly pleasure." All of the above there is present, but the monotony of life on these tiny plots of land and permanent route bungalow-restaurant-beach-bungalow can become bored by the second day.

Maldives is a paradise - it is their underwater world, not by accident the first tourists in the Islamic state 30 years ago are just divers. The beauty of magic, and not have to complain about the monotony: flocks of colorful tropical fish, giant stingrays, sea turtles, stars, moray eels at least three colors, huge napoleon fish, barracudas.

And the symbol of the islands - Maldivian clown triggerfish, images that will haunt you for all the souvenir shops. The colors of the fish, in fact, posmeshnee clown: low white circle, a red striped fins, tail, yellow, orange lips. Even in the Maldives there whitetip shark and hammerhead shark, if you're lucky - even whale and tiger sharks.

Join the underwater beauty of the Maldives is possible, even without wearing flippers: Rays love to splash in the shallow water, a few meters from the seaside restaurant tables. Many hotels have their own reefs, which can be reached on foot.

When to go:
From August to May, the best season - from late January to April.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - +28 ... +30 ° C all year round. Most dives occur in the vertical walls of the channels in the reefs or atolls in strong currents. Visibility - from 5 to 30 meters Certification PADI AOWD recommended, but not required.


Hardly the Mediterranean syschetsya more attractive place for diving than Malta. The local underwater scenery is not as bright as in the Red Sea, but Malta is renowned for its underwater landscape: walls, caves, caves and canyons.

And most importantly, in the surrounding waters of the Maltese islands sank many ships of all eras, from wooden Phoenician galleys to submarines. Some of them are at a depth of 40 m and due to its remoteness remain virtually intact, making Malta sheer paradise for technical diving.

Techno - divers love to dive into English bomber jump manual pdf, shot down in World War II and located at a depth of 42 meters, but with proper instruction can look at it and divers with a certificate AOWD. There are also more sophisticated immersion - such as submarine British Royal Navy HMS Stubborn, submerged at a depth of 53 meters on the sandy bottom of the bay in St. Paul.

Not far from Valletta French merchant ship sank with the dishes, wine and brandy. Judging from the date of cargo, the crash occurred in the early XX century. Such ships in the area do not count: Malta has long served as a base of Mediterranean pirates. No wonder the dive centers in this country is not only on large islands of Malta and Gozo, Comino and even, the official population of - 8 people.

When to go:
From early spring to late autumn, the season - from June to September.
Conditions for diving:
In the summer the water temperature - +21 ... +27 ° C. Visibility - 20 to 45 meters for virtually absent. Certificate - from PADI OWD.


Palau - embodied dream tormented human civilization. This republic, uniting two hundred small, small, and very tiny Pacific island (only eight of them are inhabited), with full transparency of water lagoons.

Few places other than Palau, the ocean looks so blue, tropical forests - so green, and the assurance of the absence of large corporations and stock exchanges within a thousand miles seems stronger. But the main advantage of the Micronesian state - yet his underwater world of Palau certified as "one of the seven underwater wonders of the world" reputable diving association CEDAM International.

In these waters easily meet leopard sharks, turtles, tropical fish incredible colors (there are over 700 species here), octopus, black coral trees, a variety of crab and very rare marine life, for which the names of the Russian language yet, it seems not on.

The most famous dive site called Palau Blue Hole and is a complex system of catacombs with a rich set of flora and fauna, as well as multiple inputs and outputs: light pouring through them really, depending on the angle and time of day makes water all possible shades of blue.

When to go:
All year round, but the high season - from January to May.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - about +20 ° C. Average depth - 20-30 m Certification - from OWD PADI.


Sipadan Island - is the top of an extinct underwater volcano, which rises out of the sea for almost a kilometer, but the whole island today's activity is associated with diving. Sipadan - an island that is still contested in Malaysia and Indonesia (according to modern maps, it refers to the first of the countries), but really it belongs only to divers.

Sipadan can get around on foot in half an hour, but around this lush island full swing underwater life that he would be the envy and large islands and the local population of sea turtles - one of the largest in the world. The most amazing place on the island - Barracuda Point - a body of water where giant schools of barracuda, gathering in flocks of thousands of pieces, twisted into a spiral, creating fantastic patterns.

At the other end of the island are going to the same flock karanksov. Swim inside the pack, you can watch this endless bizarre dance, emitting a silvery radiance. Around the island inhabited by reef sharks, who are not afraid of divers and allow himself to shoot at close range. Divers of these small sharks also not afraid - and fun pictures.

When to go:
The season lasts all year, but from May to November - Heavy rains and the water becomes less transparent.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - +29 ... +30 ° C. Thermoclines possible to +27 ° C. The temperature is above +40 ° C with high humidity. Certification level - from OWD PADI.


Choice of dive sites in Thailand incredible: almost everywhere in the country, while on the islands or on the coast, you can be sure of the existence of any nearby center with rental boats and equipment, and almost all interesting dive.

To travel to the island Similanovy expensive comfortable dive safari. Richelieu Rock - Mecca experienced divers who goes there to watch the rare whale shark, for the uninitiated there because of the strong current is too difficult. On small remote islands easily meet robinzonovidnyh Americans and Englishmen: dive once arrived, they stayed there forever - and now sleep in hammocks, laboring instructors.

But the most important in the country of refuge divers - Tao rocky island with blue-blue lagoons, turned into one big dive resort. Around - the underwater rocks and boulders covered with corals, sea turtles, reef sharks, angelfish, parrotfish, and in March and April in the coastal waters, there are more whale sharks. No diving time on Koh Tao will also interested in: laid across the island several scenic walking trails.

With each rock wonderful open views of the lagoon, and on the Banana Rock you can enjoy the ocean directly from the cocktail bar with hammocks. But even easier to express the dignity of Tao in numbers for the two dives here take only $ 40, and the guide books mention 26 different dive sites. In fact, they are even more in any diving center you will readily give out "trade secret" and prompt a few more.

When to go:
Season - from February to October, the best time - from February to March.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature +26 ... +29 ° C. Visibility - from 10 to 30 m Average depth - 15-20 m Certification - from OWD.

South Red Sea

The most popular places for diving in the Red Sea are the reefs of Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab and Hurghada. But total occupation of these places makes tourists to explore new territory, to move away from intrusive salesmen and bursts of diving jeeps and boats - to the southern coast of the Red Sea, from El Kezira to the border with Sudan.

On the surface it is a desert and hundreds of miles of virtually uninhabited coast. Underwater - coral gardens, caves, canyons and most have not been frightened by divers marine life. Among the rarest - turtles, squid, octopus, and an amazing mammal dugong. Utkonosopodobnye these creatures with fish tail are relatives of manatees.

All of the local population - the fishermen - are concentrated in the city of El Kezir village and Marsa Alam. Between these settlements uninhabited since the pharaohs. Once in Marsa Alam, two years ago, completed the construction of the airport, where the first mnogozvezdochnye hotel with a dive center. But even more interesting - in diving camps organized by enthusiasts: this whole city divers, in which there are bungalows, tents, restaurants, dive school, the pressure chamber, equipment rental, photo studio. All for diving - and nothing else.

When to go:
At any time, but best of all - from November to March.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - about +29 ° C in summer, +20 ... +22 ° C in winter. Can sometimes be a hindrance strong winds, causing flow. Average visibility - 20 m Certification - from OWD PADI.


Dive into the water and under the earth at the same time - a special diving exotic, and its main focus is the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. Here is the longest underwater cave system in the world (registered 60 different cave systems of up to 68 km, but the dive expedition still discovering new ones). Entrance to the cave is called cenote, which translated from the Mayan language means "well".

The Indians called cenotes "gateway to the world of the dead," and, considering them sacred water, dumped there gifts to gods - from gold jewelry to the sacrificed tribesmen. All that is any archaeological value, has long been lifted to the surface, but that the cenotes have not lost their appeal.

Most of them are located near Cancun's right in the jungle. On the surface of the cenotes do look like wells or small pools. To get to some of them, we have to climb over the rocks along with all the equipment, sometimes even jump into the water from three meters. Climbing and jumping is why: fabulously beautiful scenery cave, underground dome with air, giant underwater stalactites and stalagmites. And yet - the water, so transparent, that sometimes it seems that soar in weightlessness. Only destroy the illusion of bubbles from the cylinders.

When to go:
All year round, but the best time - May to July. In August and September - the highest probability of hurricanes.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - +25 ... +27 ° C. Visibility - up to 85 m The required level of certification - from AOWD PADI plus experience of night diving.

Barents Sea

Immersion in cold seas - an extreme offshoot of diving. Not everyone get into the water with a temperature of +4 ° C, even in a dry suit - the only one who drives the curiosity and pride pioneers. Someone has got to scuba flippers and to the Antarctic ice and the North Pole. Less radical, in their own interest, and relatively cheap way to test himself in the icy water - Barents Sea.

Barents Unlike white - sea, consider the southern edge of the Arctic Ocean, but the water is a little warmer because of the Gulf Stream. Russian divers is base on the Kola Peninsula, to be exact - on a tiny peninsula in a remote German border area, where up to Norway at hand. To get here, you must obtain permission Border Service of the North-East district.

Here the cold winds blow and the snow does not melt until July, the most pleasant time - August, when ripe cloudberries, blueberries, blueberry, cranberry and stone bramble. Underwater world of the Barents Sea is interesting steep walls, sea anemones, seals, whales, belugas, dolphins, northern, salmon, crab. And all kinds, as expressed by divers, "iron" - placers cartridges, shells and sunken ships.

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