Wednesday 12 September 2012

xtreme fat loss diet - most common dilemmas

How long does it take to lose weight and reaches a maximum?

Weight loss can be a very frustrating endeavor. You must be a healthy diet, exercise, and, then, to wait. Sometimes you notice a small improvement, while others pute even that. Like that and nothing happens. Exercise and watch the calories, but the scale does not move from the deadlock?

In short: you will start to lose weight when you start. If you reduce your intake of calories (about 500 along with diet and exercise) and are consistent regimen every day in theory you should lose 0.45 pounds a week. However, one should also take into account other factors, such as sex, weight, age, level of physical fitness, or condition and hereditary factors. Would not you overcome this frustrating phase mode:

Focus on what you can control : a healthy diet and consistent exercise.
Forget about what you can not control: genetics, age, gender and body shape.
Get the balance: will not show you how much body fat you lose. Measure it, measure body fat, or use one of the methods of monitoring progress.
Focus on the results you obtain: Do you feel better? You walk faster or longer? Strengthen? Sleep Better? You have more energy? This is progress and good news for your health which will surely continue to motivate.
Second Why can not I get rid Mohave abdomen and thighs?

Many have noted that even if you lose weight, some areas not to be reduced (eg, abdomen, hips, thighs). If you have already made countless sit-ups in the mission of solid belly, remember:

Spot training does not help: crunches will not reduce fat in the abdomen and leg exercises will not reduce cellulite on the thighs and hips.
You need to lose fat, you want to lose weight: cardio , weight training and diet are three key factors if you want results.
Even fat loss does not guarantee perfection: your body to decide when and where to lose fat, not you. Give all of yourself through exercise and diet, and allow the body to respond to it.
Focus on the positive results: perhaps you'd rather lose an inch in the waist than the upper arm or the list, but progress is progress. If you are losing inches on the right path and you will eventually come to those stubborn areas, just be persistent and patient.

3rd I no longer skinny. What is wrong?

Maximum can happen to everyone. Perform the same exercise constantly your body adapts to exercise and lose its effectiveness.

If you reach the maximum, try:

Increase exercise intensity: Accelerate your usual workout or try interval training would you not improve endurance and burn calories.
Try something new: Stagger body activity you've never done before - ride a bike, swim and prevent your muscles get used to one form of exercise.
Lift weights: if you do not train with weights start with a basic program 2-3 times a week. The muscles will improve your metabolism and help you to get rid of such unwanted fat. Does lifting weights regularly change the routine would not have provided a challenge muscles in different ways.
Add another day for exercise: even extra 15-20 minutes a week will help you burn more calories.
4th Practicing for months and actually gain weight!

We already told you that put that scale and use a variety of methods for monitoring progress. Libra does not show you what you lose or you get. Follow the program is likely to get the muscle mass of debris.

Even if you gain weight you can lose fat: muscles are heavier than fat composition and occupy less space. Pay attention to how your clothes. If you weigh more, but you better clothes standing on the right path.
Measure yourself: take a meter and measure your chest, waist, hips, arms and thighs. Measure them every few weeks and track the progress. If you are losing inches not give up.
You've reached the weight and not anything slimmer, pay attention to diet: some people eat more you practice more, thinking that if exercise can eat whatever they want. Perhaps more than the usual resting after exercise which changes the number of calories during the day. Keep a food diary and activity and of what is actually happening.
5th I work out for a few weeks, but I see no results. How do I proceed?

I focus only on weight just to annoy you. Instead, keep your focus on what you exercise it provides:

More energy
Better sleep
Better concentration
Improved circulation
Less Stress
More confident
Do not worry about the lack of results, or the various dilemmas maximum weight loss. Remember that this process requires time, patience and consistency. Will take months or even years before you notice a big change. Therefore, if you want to give up remember that everything you do now will affect your quality of life in the future.

pearly penile papules removal - enis in Three Easy Steps

Bigger penis, does not mean that you will also get to have perfect sex, but has a smaller penis and used techniques to increase its' size means it will also increase your sexual performance. Penis actually gets much better at keeping itself raise for a long time, if you do this, but you have to learn how to get a bigger penis.

First, you have to make sure that your penis is healthy;and you're still young. People over 40 years should not attempt these techniques because their penis can get permanently damaged. So, if your penis is healthy and never tried any penis enlargement techniques you can go right ahead and use the jelqing technique, as stated in other articles. It is a simple technique, but if you want to use it effectively in order to increase sexual performance, you have to go over that line that I told you about in another article.

You'll need to practice this technique for at least several months, at least once a day. Do not worry if the "how to get a bigger penis" is a constant dilemma, this is the safest way to do it. But anyway, let me explain why your sexual performance increases as well.

Well, this is a very simple answer. As is your penis increases in length of cells growing between the tiny spaces are not as sensitive as the other ones, so it will respond later to the stimuli. Also, the actual muscle strength (penis very special kind of muscle) increases, and that is able to stay upright for long periods. You will be much harder.

This is the basic way to get your penis bigger that you can do at home without having to pay a dime for it. The results will be obvious and your partner will definitely notice the difference as well. This is the kind of situation that gets the best out of everyone, so I recommend trying it.

To learn more about how the larger penis, please read our articles. All you need to know about the subject in terms of techniques and tips can be found here.
Find the best rated penis enlargement products to get a bigger penis that will not only help you get a bigger penis, but getting a better sex life.

vision without glasses - How to eliminate nearsightedness forever

Are you suffering from myopia? Does the fact that you have to wear glasses all the time you consume? If so, you're not alone. I know how difficult it can be to have glasses to see clearly all the time. No matter what you do, the vision worse.

My strength is kept on getting low and reaches to the worst -3.25. I could not even see other people's faces in my kickboxing class withoutglasses. It was too frustrating. That's when I decided to look for an alternative way to improve my vision, of course.
Soon after I began to look for an alternative way to improve my vision, I came across a renewed Vision program. Renew Vision program is a combination of exercise and lifestyle routines that when integrated in a consistent and persistent basis will improve your vision and give you a full 20/20 vision overtime.

I did not believe it at first. I thought it was just not possible. But after doing some research, I decided to go ahead and try it for a free trial.
That vision is to restore the program to help me cure my nearsightedness?

There are lots of things that I learned from the program. The first thing I learned is the real cause of myopia - nearsightedness is far more common among men than ever before because of the amount of time we spend doing a job that is a short distance away. We sit on the computer, watch TV and read books.

But earlier, it was not so. Our ancestors were living in the fields. The body is designed for those areas where hunters live. Our lifestyle has changed drastically in recent years. We no longer need to hunt or work in the fields. Therefore, there is no balance short distance and long distance vision.

Our eyes spend most of their time alone engaging in a short distance activities. This causes tension in the muscles and muscle tends to focus more on short-distance activities. Therefore, stretch stretches and breaks. Once it breaks, we are no longer able to see any of the things that are still unclear.

So, what really solves the problem now?

So in order to treat myopia, we'll have to start stretching the muscles of our eyes and make it do focus on long distance objects. But it was not easy when we work at a computer for eight hours a day. Therefore, the program promotes eye exercises and certain supplements that have been proven to strengthen your muscles and make you see clearly.

But there is one major flaw with the program - Doing eye exercises alone will help you improve your eyesight. But it will not happen quickly. If you want to improve ga real fast, you'll need to do more long distance activities without glasses.

Here's what I've tried, after a week of doing eye exercises -

I started riding my motorcycle without wearing my glasses. It was hard at the beginning, and it's extremely dangerous. But that's why I decided to go slow. I used to travel slow and maintenance side. As I did that for a week, I could not believe the improvement I've seen. From -3.25, my power dropped to -2.25 with some problems with clarity (cylindrical vision improvement takes time and affected his diet).
I am truly amazed at the result. The key is to get the program and start taking action on it. Do not let it sit around and collect dust. If you take action on it consistently and persistently, you'll be able to return myopia no matter what.

The question is though, will revive the vision for you? 

Everyone is different, and it may not work for you? I encourage you to go see for yourself, rebuild your vision

fat loss factor - summary of the main international clinical research

Whatever you are taking is clearly not working. Otherwise you would not have read this article. Instead of fried chicken you began to eat the one with the grill, you started paying more attention to the track to run than television. But you are not satisfied with what you see. Do not worry. There are other ways to effectively melt the unwanted fat. We compiled 50 scientific advice and supported once they adopt will not notice that they can handle.

fat loss factor results

Slender figure relies on decent food plan. So it's no surprise that what you eat affects how you look. Take advantage of these 11 rules on diet and increase the potential to burn fat.

Become a pro: A diet rich in protein not only affects the hypertrophy but stimulates and fat-burning. According to a study conducted at Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, New York) people who spent a high protein diet for 8 weeks (40% of total calories were from protein) found a significant reduction in fat, especially fat deposits in the abdomen, as opposed to people who are followed a diet with low-fat and high-carbohydrate. One of the reasons why an increased intake of protein is effective is in the level of peptide YY, a hormone produced by cells of abdomen (the level of this peptide affects the feeling of hunger, or satiety).
Slow down: When the craving for carbohydrates, choose cereals that are slow to digest, such as brown rice , whole wheat bread because it is balanced insulin levels (insulin prevents sudden jump that results in a slowdown of fat burning and promotes fat storage in the body). According to a study conducted at Pennsylvania State University (University Park) people that followed a diet with few calories and the carb from whole grains lost significantly more fat in the abdominal area of the people that have followed a diet with carbohydrates from processed sources.

Benefiting the fat: Not only certain fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids does not result in weight gain, but it can help in the fight against fat. Although it seems counter-productive to eat fat to lose fat intake around 30% (compared to the total caloric intake) fats that come from fatty fish ( salmon , sardines, trout), olive oil, peanut butter and nuts will prompt the body to lose unwanted fat as opposed to a child with low-fat diet that will produce poor results.

Egg for you: Eggs are full of protein and shown to affect the development of muscles, various studies have shown that people who eat breakfast eggs have less calories during the day and lost significantly more fat. Recommend three eggs a day for breakfast (scrambled eggs, three whites and three egg yolks).
Forbidden Fruit: The study of Strips Clinic (San Diego) showed that people who ate half a grapefruit or drank 2 dcl of grapefruit juice three times a day and would normally be fed on average lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks, while some of the tested individuals lost more than 4 kg without dieting. Researchers believe that the reason for the ability of grapefruit to lower insulin levels in the blood. Add some half a grapefruit diet, eg breakfast, lunch and meal before training.
Milk: Dairy products are rich in calcium, which promotes fat burning, especially in the abdomen. The cause is that calcium regulates the secretion of hormones calcitrola, which is responsible for the formation of fat cells and prevents the burning of fat. With adequate levels of calcium, calcitriol and fat production are suppressed, and increasing the burning of fat. Adding non-fat version of cream cheese , milk and yogurt (especially Greek version) daily diet, you will improve your protein intake and aid the body in burning fat.
An apple a day: Apples are an excellent slow-digesting carbohydrates and contain numerous antioxidants that have beneficial effects on the body. A group of chemical compounds that are found in apple polyphenols, affect muscular strength, endurance and fat loss. While polofenoli from apple directly support the burning of fat so that promotes fat-burning genes, reducing the production of fat and their storage, the rush of power and endurance will help you to train harder and longer. An average sized apple provides 200 mg of apple polyphenols and 30 g carbohydrates.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

tinnitus miracle - Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss

In physics, the noise was popularly known as a fault, especially a random and persistent disturbance that obscures or reduces the clarity of a defined signal. It is a known fact that the white color is made from all the colors that can be seen. This applies also for its where the white noise is generated when the tones of different frequencies reach the ear. Noise level and frequency can be represented graphically, fitted with different colors. The technique of the spectral density is used to distinguish the noise. This technique is commonly used in electrical engineering and acoustics.

One of the basic noise model is used to reflect the colors of the sound is known as noise autoregressive model. Color noise in all shades of the rainbow. However, some popular colors of white noise, pink, are red / brown, blue, green, gray and black. Many physicists believe that it signals with noise components at all frequencies with a spectral density per unit bandwidth equal 1/fβ sound.

Different colors of the noise

White noise: the white noise spectral density, by making β = 0 in formula 1/fβ obtained produces a flat frequency spectrum of the graph. The volume of white noise is the same at each level of frequency. It is often created in chaotic scenes in which it is impossible to perceive the sound of the voice or a person. This technique of the white noise is often used in alarm systems, amplifiers and electrical filters, masks tinnitus miracle scam masker, or sound enhancer for the privacy and sleep mechanism, etc. The white noise is used sometimes used to induce concentration.

Pink Noise: White noise is said to lie between the white and red noise. The power density of pink noise is at 13 dB per octave or 1 / f For this reason, the pink noise, often called 1 / f noise described. The pink noise spectral density can be β = 1 by formula based in 1/fβ. Each octave pink noise contains the same amount of energy and will therefore often be established in engineering techniques.

Red Noise: Noise is also known as Red Brown noise is known. Usually refers to the power density decreases with increasing frequency. The power spectral density of the red / brown noise can, by β = 2 are obtained in formula 1/fβ. The frequencies, while red noise can be generated, said a calming effect and are therefore used to create a relaxed atmosphere and to initiate sleep.

Blue Noise: The noise power density of the blue to be increasing at a rate of 3 dB per octave over a frequency range. Blue noise is considered ideal for dithering, which is an essential step in recording music. They also say that the cells of the retina, by nature, are arranged in the pattern of blue noise. This creates a good visual resolution.

Green Noise: With a range of services in the long run, the green noise is considered the background noise in the world. It is reassuring nature, and is considered ideal for a meditative environment to create.

Noise Gray: When a listener perceives the sound as high at all frequencies, it is generally known as the rustling of gray. In reality, however, the sound frequencies gray inverted A-weighting curve.

Black Noise: Silence is often called black noise. The frequency spectrum of the noise is the blackest of the null hypothesis of time, with the exception of a few thin ribbons and lace. Black Noise was often associated with natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and droughts. Black Noise is a 1/fβ where β> 2 be recorded.

Colored noise is a highly technical field, which is a co-relation in the areas of sound and color. This is a difficult concept to grasp and understand, when you start, but you can gain an expertise in this area gradually. My article is only a small entry on the subject. I hope this satisfies your curiosity about the subject and raises your curiosity to explore more in this area.

truth about cellulite - Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs

Cellulite (fat) is a problem that many people living in urban areas are suffering, and many find it difficult to get rid of. Because of this difficulty liposuction has become more popular because it suck the cellulite areas of the body and makes the body area can seem less fat and more attenuated. But even if we can afford liposuction, you should always follow a good diet and exercise to the body shape after liposuction. Exercise and proper diet is absolutely necessary if you want to get rid of cellulite.

A combination of cardio and strength exercises to help fight cellulite. However, a person must follow to exercise regularly and honestly to see the results. Also, if you targeted fat loss, you need to watch your diet closely. Therefore, the reduction is recommended undesirable because it contributes significantly to weight gain. Create a workout routine with the following exercises to get rid of cellulite thighs and buttocks off mentioned. Exercise 6 days a week, doing cardio for 45 minutes. Mix 2-3 cardio exercises to avoid boredom. After cardio, do strength training and half an hour later for 5 minutes stretch. Do 3 sets of strength exercises, and include 20 repetitions in each set.

truth about cellulite

These are great exercises for the legs cellulite. However, if you have back problems, you should. On a stationary bike, which has a folder Cycling workouts are easy to perform and meet people of all ages, so just turn on the TV and keep cycling for half an hour to 45 minutes in a fast-paced environment. Take a break after 20 minutes of continuous cycling, drink a little water, then after a minute or two later to continue cycling.

The race is one of the best cardio workouts, which allows, in particular, to get rid of the fat from the lower region of the body. The race is also a great fun and a great stress busting activity. Always wear athletic shoes while performing operation quality workouts. A workout walking, jogging for the first 8-10 minutes, then walk slowly to an average start to begin. Cool 5 minutes of jogging and walking. Stretch after exercise. To lose weight faster run time interval you have enough stamina.

Did you know that the calories burned in a workout jumping rope more than running? Yes, it's true. A session of 10 minutes jumping rope workout to burn more calories compared to a workout in 10 minutes. In addition, a jump rope is expensive and you can do these exercises anywhere. You can not skip workouts on a mini trampoline. Trampoline exercises are fun and contribute significantly to burn fat and tone.

Swimming is a full body workout because it helps to increase the capacity of the lungs and heart (cardio), it helps to strengthen and tone the muscles and the body is tense in the exercise of swimming as well. Therefore, swimming is excellent an exercise cellulite reduction. If you have access to a public swimming pool, performing freestyle training look for one hour. Movement in freestyle occur frequently strengthens losing power and fat in the legs.

diet solution program - Easy to Follow Diets for College Students

You can stay fit and healthy during the installation of a low-carbohydrate diet in your daily meals. The amount of fat and carbohydrates is very low in the low-carbohydrate vegetables. However, you get the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a healthy low-carb diets. Although these programs are widely recommended because of its low carbohydrate and starch content, you need to decide if this plan is right for you by consulting with a nutritionist. The South Beach Diet is a low-carbohydrate diet for women and positive feedback from all over the world. Here is a list of foods, low carb diet:

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• Milk
• Tomato
• Spinach
• Strawberries
• Broccoli
• Herb
• Chicken Breast
• Catfish
Zone Diet

Basics Zone Diet suggests that a diet should ideally contain 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat. This carbohydrate, fat and protein content is based on a zone diet calculator. This plan is the balance of hormones that enhance and improve energy-intelligence of women when they eat 11 blocks of food in the area. Eggs, bean stew, blueberry pancakes, beef with herbs are some foods that are included in a zone diet.

Diabetic Diet

The advantages of the diabetic diet is that it helps to lower blood sugar levels and is also helpful in weight loss. This low-carb diet is the intake of sugar and white flour, which are known as refined carbohydrates. Bakery products are starch, vegetable, fish, chicken, fruit, tortillas and chicken part of the contents of a diabetic diet. If you are on a diet, you should avoid the consumption of sugar and sweets.

Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet for women reduces the consumption of carbohydrates and consists of four phases - the induction phase, the phase of continuous weight loss, pre-maintenance and lifetime maintenance phase.

In the induction phase, the absorption of carbohydrates is less than 20 g per day. In the Atkins diet, you can include foods such as cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, salads, fish and poultry. You should drink plenty of water and avoid some legumes such as green beas. Alcoholic drinks are a strict "No" for Atkins diet. Persists in the phase of weight loss, carbohydrate intake is increased slightly, while in the pre-interview, is again increased by ten carbohydrates. The maintenance phase in life, with the habits that are carried on by women, because the first three phases were developed. Candy should, cookies, potatoes, bananas, apples in the Atkins diet can be avoided.

anabolic cooking - What Does a Testosterone Booster Do?

Testosterone is a hormone responsible for growth and secondary male sex characteristics such as facial hair and deeper voice. The body produces this hormone and is produced in the testes of men and in small amounts in the ovaries of women. The level of testosterone in the body is controlled by the pituitary gland, it is luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the testes to produce testosterone. It is a powerful anabolic cooking steroid and is popularly known as the human growth hormone of people, provides testosterone preparations, referred to. One of the main reasons why bodybuilders and athletes take testosterone boosters is that it supports muscle growth and gives strength and energy for the user. Since the banning of steroids, athletes and bodybuilders have company supplement products, leaving the increase in testosterone production.

The body begins to produce high levels of testosterone, when a person hits puberty at the age of 14 and the natural production of testosterone begins to plummet to the age of 35. In boys, testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle growth and facial hair. The reason for the deep male voice is testosterone and this hormone is also responsible for sperm production.

People suffering from erectile dysfunction, testosterone injections are administered to treat the condition. Testosterone injections for men to treat loss of libido. In some cases, when puberty hit boys, will increase the level of testosterone in the body and they have not bridged and no visible growth of secondary male sex characteristics. In such cases, doctors prescribe steroids to increase testosterone levels.

Bodybuilders have also effectively used testosterone supplements to increase muscle mass and strength. Take testosterone supplements will also increase your libido and improve your sexual performance by a diehard fan of some supplement. Some studies have also argued that the effects of testosterone administration increases DHEA, a hormone anti-aging.

Is added since the boom in the industry, the market with products that promise exponential growth of muscle submerged. It's a good idea to go through some reviews before going ahead and buying, because there are side effects that you should know. Some side effects of testosterone boosters include acne, hair loss, gynecomastia, and prostate enlargement. If you do not have a chance, take supplements, you can try some natural testosterone booster, such as oysters, eggs, broccoli and cabbage. Here is a chart to help you decide which supplements might go to:

Alpha T1
This product uses all natural ingredients and claims no side effects. Some ingredients in this product are build muscle you terrestris and Eurycoma longifolia. Levels of testosterone in your body will increase dramatically through the use of Alpha T1 and maintain muscle mass to be increased.

NovodeX XT
It is based on a unique formula that is known as Dianestrozole and it functions as an aromatase inhibitor. It inhibits the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. An increase in the ration of testosterone to estrogen is a natural way of increasing testosterone levels in the body. The product also claims to burn fat and make you look more simple.

This form of natural steroidal alkaloids is absorbed by plants, it also decreases estrogen levels. It increases levels of luteinizing hormone, increase testosterone production. Viraloid claims to give you more muscle mass and strength. The product also claims the body's ability to enhance protein synthesis. It does not seem to have side effects because they do not themselves pro-steroids.

Animal Stak
This product is the goal of high quality and will help you stack the muscle and losing body fat. He SATVIA extracts Tribulus and Avena extract to give you the power and the will to build muscle by increasing testosterone levels in your body. Some of the other components of this product, which will support growth and growth hormone secretagogues arginine (arginine alpha-ketoglutarate AAKG).

Check out some bodybuilding forums and reviews before making the decision for supplements that can help you, go to ground. A word of caution, ask your doctor before taking supplements.

3 days to permanent bacterial vaginosis relief - Smelly Discharge During Pregnancy

Clear, odorless vaginal discharge is a sign of a healthy vagina. The quantity, color, odor of discharge changes from time to time during the menstrual cycle of women. It also undergoes significant changes at key stages such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause, etc. sexually active women of childbearing age are susceptible to various infections, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. While there is no need an alert when your boss changes little increase in aid, you must be more natural look about it, if you are pregnant. Feel vaginal discharge during pregnancy is such a condition that must be treated quickly.

Pregnancy is characterized by much activity on hormone levels. In addition, the uterus of the woman is also more active than usual. Pelvic area receives increased blood flow during this period. All these physiological changes are needed to influence the nature, texture and color of your vaginal discharge. Feel the shock in the first quarter is often an indication of increased hormonal activity.

Yellow smelly discharge
During pregnancy, you are susceptible to various infections and sexually transmitted diseases such as your immune system does not work at full capacity. Smelly yellow discharge during pregnancy is often a sign of a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc. Sometimes it may also be due to an amoeba infection called trichomoniasis. In this case, the discharge is yellowish-green, frothy, but very sparse. Trichomoniasis can be treated easily.

Discharge fish odor
This is a sure sign of bacterial vaginosis shot. Bacterial vaginosis is very common in women and affects 10-20% of pregnant women. It is mainly caused by an imbalance of beneficial bacteria in the vagina and harmful bacteria. It may with antibiotic treatment, be cured.

Lichen white discharge
Lichen white discharge with a consistency of a quark is the result of yeast infection, called candidiasis. While increasing pregnancy, estrogen levels in the body. The estrogen causes rapid growth of fungi in the vagina. It also makes it easier for Candida albicans to adhere to the vaginal wall. During pregnancy, the vaginal glycogen produced in large quantities, have a very favorable habitat for the fungus to grow eyes. This leads to a white or yellowish discharge. Candida can be treated with probiotic therapy. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that reside in the vagina and prevent the proliferation of yeast. Probiotic cultures can also be found in yogurt. Just enter a plain, plain yogurt into the vagina to kill fungi. It also reduces itching and inflammation and soothes the skin.

Clear, watery, sweet-smelling discharge
This could be a situation, an alarm will occur, especially if you are weeks away from due date. Clear, watery discharge when amniotic fluid to escape pregnancy, your uterus is. When the amniotic fluid, your baby is the only source of food and shelter, while the interior of the uterus, may cause danger to state for your baby. Leakage of amniotic fluid should be reported immediately to an OB-GYN. During the last quarter, you're likely to get it for incontinence or accidental leakage of urine to be held pressure on bladder function by growing baby. While this is certainly a possibility, you should pay attention to the smell of the landfill. Urine smells like ammonia, while the amniotic fluid has a sweetish odor.

Pink, brown discharge in late pregnancy
During early pregnancy a mucus plug on the neck of the cervix, which is formed prevents the penetration of germs. This mucus plug comes out, if you're only hours away from your work. The impact of the arrival of the mucus plug is very dramatic and will show "Bloody show" means. It should be clear, pink, brown and may be a leakage of amniotic fluid.

While the abnormal discharge during pregnancy is not always a threat to you or the baby, it's best to get examined by an OB-GYN. Most of these causes are treatable and do not harm baby while he is inside the uterus. But during the birth, your child can acquire some of these infections during passage through the birth canal. Therefore, consult your doctor before you all, if you experience these conditions

acne no more - Getting rid of pimples

Pimples, also known as zits or spots can affect any person of 10-40 years of age. More than 80% of young people face acne problems at some point and 30% of them needed medical treatment due to the severity of pimples. Pimples are painful, and they cause a lot of embarrassment and stress.

If weight is not as pimples, you can try some simple things on your own, you can extract your pimple problem.
Frequent cleaning and skin care are the most important things in getting rid of pimples. Washing two times a day with a mild cleanser helps your skin to be clean, reduce sensitivity and irritation. You can use cleanser like Dove, Neutrogena, Cetaphil, etc., for it. There are also a variety of mild scrubs, masques and exfoliants can use. They contain either fine granules or salicylic acid in concentration, making them gentle exfoliating agents. These agents remove the outer layer of skin and open pores.

acne no more home remedies that can be used to get over the pimple problem. They say honey is an excellent remedy for pimples. Combined with cinnamon powder becomes stronger in providing relief. You can make the dough mixing ii applied to the affected area before going to sleep. You should wash it in the morning and again in the night until the symptoms resolve.

There are several other drugs, including oranges, papaya juice, potatoes, etc., but their effectiveness is debatable.
For some of you pimples can cause serious problems and pimples can not respond to these methods. These patients require medical treatment for your condition. There are many over the counter medications and prescription drugs can help such people.
Common over-the-counter remedies for getting rid of pimples are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and antibacterial creams, including erythromycin, clindamycin, and tetracycline. They can be applied topically. Prior to application it is necessary to wash your face with warm water and dry. You can also use a cleanser for that purpose.

Benzoyl peroxide is a safe first-line treatment for getting rid of pimples due to its effectiveness and fewer side effects. Benzoyl peroxide is available in a concentration of 2.5%, 5.0% and 10% as well as gels and lotions, as well as stronger prescription creams. It usually causes skin dryness, redness and slight peeling occasionally as part of some side effects. These drugs increase the sensitivity of your skin to the sun, so sunscreen should be used during treatment to prevent sunburn.

Benzoyl peroxide is found to be nearly as effective as antibiotics. Unlike antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide can not create resistant bacteria which is a nice benefit. You can easily buy benzoyl peroxide containing gel or grease PanOxyl ® over the counter. You should clean your face as mentioned above before applying. Benzoyl peroxide is recommended that you apply a thin layer to the affected area one to three times a day. When initially using this treatment, start at one application per day during the first week, and then gradually increased up to three times a day. Most patients will respond to benzoyl peroxide during the first three months of treatment.

yeast infection no more - symptoms of yeast infections in the ear

The first also known as Candida infection, yeast infection occurs when the fungus Candida begins to grow in large numbers in the body. While Candida albicans usually grow all over the body, its numbers easily kept under control by the body's natural immune system. It is when the immune system is down, or when the body's so-called good bacteria is killed by antibiotics that Candida albicans begins to increase and spread, causing infection. 
There are a number of ways, such as
yeast infection no more scam can be treated. Many would recommend its immediate treatment with anti-fungal creams and ointments. To prevent excessive Candida or yeast growth, doctors also recommend the use of Candida supplements.

 On the other hand, if Candida overgrowth is already extreme levels, which means that it also has begun to infiltrate your intestines and your bloodstream, there are oral medications that can help to address the growth of Candida in the body. Candida supplements will work best in the early stages of Candida overgrowth. Capsules, tablets and even juice take the form of these supplements not only help to boost the immune system, but aid in killing the yeast grows in the body. 

They will also help your Candida medications work faster if you are already taking them. the third Several yeast infection medications and supplements that you can take. Many are available over the counter and an increasing number of brands are also available online, via the Internet. 

To determine which of these vitamins and Candida supplements will work best, check its ingredients and components. Garlic and oregano are among the most widely used herbs for the treatment and control of Candida growth in the body. Find out if it is organic and produced naturally. This will help you determine which of Candida supplements on the market is the most potent and will give you the best results. Simultaneously, flaxseed oil and chlorophyll help to accelerate the body's detoxification process.It will help to increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. 

Ascorbic acid and natural vitamins will also help you in the fight against yeast infection. During this time you should also reduce your intake of high carbohydrate foods such as pasta, rice and potatoes as Candida can feed on these as well.Also, avoid desserts and foods high in sugar, as these can aggravate Candida growth in your body. Always remember that your intake of vitamins should always be accompanied by a balanced and controlled diet to help speed up the process of curing your yeast infection.

customized fat loss - What is Central European encephalitis (TBE)?

Central European encephalitis is a rare inflammation of the meninges and the brain, triggered by a virus. The virus is Transmitted by bites of infected ticks (Ixodes ricinus), der in turn got it from other animals in the forest, som mice, deer, etc.

In some areas of Central Europe deltager the disease is endemic. This betyder det Occurs every spring and summer (month from March to November, mostly in July and August), but to a very limited grad. In addition to Central Europe and Siberia having the disease in recent years GAINED more foothold in Northern Europe, elsewhere some dove two climate change in the form of warmer winters and dermed better living conditions for ticks.

virus-infected ticks are bl.a.også in southern Sweden. In Denmark the only Bornholm, elsewhere a demonstrated significantly Party of forest workers (20%) have antibodies against the disease, but without Any of disse not have been sick.

What is the risk of being bitten by an infective tick and get sick?

risk of contracting an infection depends very much on elsewhere you are. The frequency of the virus in ticks in Europe varies mellem 0.1% and 5%. In some parts of Central Europe, the incidence of TBE 3-4 fold over the last 10 years. In Austria Offered vaccination to all, and here we have the seen a decrease of 90% of the number of sick.

Countries in Europe, som recorded mest customized fat loss, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Poland and (South-) Germany. Men, it is probably only a maximum of 25% of infected dem der utvikle betydelig disease, and disse perhaps about. third, Experiencing symptoms of encephalitis.


How does the disease itself?

Sygdmmen ofte Occurs in two phases. From infection to go there about a week (which may take up to three weeks). Symptoms in the first phase, der Lasts about 5 days, similar til flu:



Muscle Pain

General Weakness.

In cirka two Thirds of patient than up with the disease, the fever disappears og de bli completely healthy.

The residue may Men after a symptom-free interval of one week's time utvikle nervous system symptoms in the second phase:

Encephalitis with kraftiug headache and stiff neck (meningitis)

encephalitis with confusion, ændret consciousness, perhaps. faintness, trembling and management besværligheder (encephalitis)

inflammation of the brain and nervous rygmarvsvævet with severe pain, partial paralysis, or sensory disturbances (meningoencephalo-myelitis, - radikulitis).

A large part of the påvirket fully recover from the disease, but the studies have the vist incomplete healing of the problems in the nervous system of approx. 40% of the patient der udviklet real encephalitis (encephalit). It is especially adults over 60 years som kan badly påvirket, hvprimod children ofte escape much nemmere from the disease.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis is made by a blood test. Only about half of patients having noticed som de har bitten by a tick, and the diagnosis kan not be made without a blood test. The sample used primarily for border against andre infectious diseases with similar symptoms.

, The preferred method to get a definite diagnosis is two look for antibodies two hjernebetændelses virus. These Substances ska almost always be detected in a blood test da symptoms from the nervous system begins.

How is Central European encephalitis?

There is no specific treatment for the Central European encephalitis, once it has occurred, there is it is recommended for people living in areas at high risk of infection with viruses der having a preventive vaccination. This gælder også people traveling two disse areas and fordi of the special leisure aktiviteter deemed særlig vulnerable two tick bites.

Previously, it was recommended two give a special so-called "hyperimmunoglobulin" by injection two people in risk areas were er bitten by ticks. Imidlerrtid ice effkten very Controversial, and there are fears att this treatment in some, may aggravate the disease, given this immunoglobulin is no longer.

What can you do yourself?

If you have to travel tll areas in Central and Eastern Europe with high incidence of TBE, and you have two be out in nature (forests and uncultivated areas), kan vælge be vaccinated against Central European encephalitis. The vaccine består inactivated virus, som injected into the muscle of the shoulder. It is given in three stages:


dose 28 to 90 days later

dose 5:02 a.m. 12 months later.

Protection starts about two weeks after the second vaccination and Lasts for three years. Should rabies vaccination every three years.

What are the side effects of vaccination?

The type hjernebetændelses vaccine used in Denmark (TicoVac), is well tolerated by musts. Men, in some cases cause discomfort in the form of redness and swelling at the injection site and fever, especially in children. Emoluments paid symptoms are headache, muscle and joint pain. In turn giver the full vaccination with three doses probably more than 90% protection against the disease. Children between 1 and 16 years must have only half dose (TicoVac junior).

When ska vaccination be omitted?

To ulike acute feverish infections and diseases, der påvirket the immune system.

City hypersensitivity two eggs (albumen) or against the vaccine preservative.

In pregnancy and lactation perioder vaccination ska used only after careful betragtning of the benefit two risk, as it lacks experience in this field. Since it is a "killed" vaccine and the risk of damage, HOWEVER, is very small.

jump manual - 10 best places for diving

Great Barrier Reef - perhaps the most spectacular natural wonder of the world. The world's largest coral reef system, surpassing in size the UK, and the variety of fauna inferior whole continents.

Total reef almost 3000, coral islands - 71 varieties of coral - 350 species of mollusks - 4000, varieties of fish - 1500, and their colors do not dream and the impressionists. Even excluding travel, journey will not cheap ($ 50 per dive), but the money is undoubtedly worthwhile.

This is quite a place frequented by divers, to the diving industry was organized perfectly. A large number of dive sites avoids crowding the water and feel like one on one with the ocean. You can come here with any level of training. And if you want, you can do even without scuba gear: the experience will be enough, even if the dive in the mask with a tube.

When to go:
All year round, but are considered high season in October, November and December.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - +25 ... +30 ° C. Average visibility - 20-30 meters. Certification level - from OWD PADI.


Catalina Island, 35 miles from the California coast - Reserve "beautiful" life. With the "mainland" come here for a romantic weekend, take a walk through the narrow steep streets with colonial houses and play in the casino, "Avalon", built by the family of manufacturers of chewing gum Wrigley's.

And now - more and dive: the island was known as one of the best dive sites in North America. Along the coastline there are 49 dive sites of varying degrees of complexity. The most famous - Avalon Underwater Park - is located right next to the ballroom "Casino" and is ideal for beginners.

The park is dominated by the giant kelp that reach a hundred meters in length. Marine fauna are bright orange Garibaldi, California horned shark (one of the smallest in the world - about 40 cm in length), moray eels, fathead lip with a square head and the ubiquitous sea bears.

One of the most interesting, but at the same time challenging dive sites located one mile from the western part of the island. It's a lonely pinnacle Ship Rock, a distance resembles a sail ship. Depth at the bottom of the cliff reaches 39 meters, but there are shallow waters, where sank the 30-meter schooner XIX century Diosa del Mar. On a clear calm day you can see it even without cumbersome dive equipment - from the ordinary mask.

When to go:
From May to October.
Conditions for diving:
The water temperature in the summer - +18 ... +20 ° C. Visibility - about 20 m Average depth - 15-20 m Certification - OWD PADI.


These islands are not immediately find the map, but at the mention of their eyes will certainly arise turquoise lagoons, palm trees, white sand beaches and other pictures, accompanying the advertising slogan "a heavenly pleasure." All of the above there is present, but the monotony of life on these tiny plots of land and permanent route bungalow-restaurant-beach-bungalow can become bored by the second day.

Maldives is a paradise - it is their underwater world, not by accident the first tourists in the Islamic state 30 years ago are just divers. The beauty of magic, and not have to complain about the monotony: flocks of colorful tropical fish, giant stingrays, sea turtles, stars, moray eels at least three colors, huge napoleon fish, barracudas.

And the symbol of the islands - Maldivian clown triggerfish, images that will haunt you for all the souvenir shops. The colors of the fish, in fact, posmeshnee clown: low white circle, a red striped fins, tail, yellow, orange lips. Even in the Maldives there whitetip shark and hammerhead shark, if you're lucky - even whale and tiger sharks.

Join the underwater beauty of the Maldives is possible, even without wearing flippers: Rays love to splash in the shallow water, a few meters from the seaside restaurant tables. Many hotels have their own reefs, which can be reached on foot.

When to go:
From August to May, the best season - from late January to April.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - +28 ... +30 ° C all year round. Most dives occur in the vertical walls of the channels in the reefs or atolls in strong currents. Visibility - from 5 to 30 meters Certification PADI AOWD recommended, but not required.


Hardly the Mediterranean syschetsya more attractive place for diving than Malta. The local underwater scenery is not as bright as in the Red Sea, but Malta is renowned for its underwater landscape: walls, caves, caves and canyons.

And most importantly, in the surrounding waters of the Maltese islands sank many ships of all eras, from wooden Phoenician galleys to submarines. Some of them are at a depth of 40 m and due to its remoteness remain virtually intact, making Malta sheer paradise for technical diving.

Techno - divers love to dive into English bomber jump manual pdf, shot down in World War II and located at a depth of 42 meters, but with proper instruction can look at it and divers with a certificate AOWD. There are also more sophisticated immersion - such as submarine British Royal Navy HMS Stubborn, submerged at a depth of 53 meters on the sandy bottom of the bay in St. Paul.

Not far from Valletta French merchant ship sank with the dishes, wine and brandy. Judging from the date of cargo, the crash occurred in the early XX century. Such ships in the area do not count: Malta has long served as a base of Mediterranean pirates. No wonder the dive centers in this country is not only on large islands of Malta and Gozo, Comino and even, the official population of - 8 people.

When to go:
From early spring to late autumn, the season - from June to September.
Conditions for diving:
In the summer the water temperature - +21 ... +27 ° C. Visibility - 20 to 45 meters for virtually absent. Certificate - from PADI OWD.


Palau - embodied dream tormented human civilization. This republic, uniting two hundred small, small, and very tiny Pacific island (only eight of them are inhabited), with full transparency of water lagoons.

Few places other than Palau, the ocean looks so blue, tropical forests - so green, and the assurance of the absence of large corporations and stock exchanges within a thousand miles seems stronger. But the main advantage of the Micronesian state - yet his underwater world of Palau certified as "one of the seven underwater wonders of the world" reputable diving association CEDAM International.

In these waters easily meet leopard sharks, turtles, tropical fish incredible colors (there are over 700 species here), octopus, black coral trees, a variety of crab and very rare marine life, for which the names of the Russian language yet, it seems not on.

The most famous dive site called Palau Blue Hole and is a complex system of catacombs with a rich set of flora and fauna, as well as multiple inputs and outputs: light pouring through them really, depending on the angle and time of day makes water all possible shades of blue.

When to go:
All year round, but the high season - from January to May.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - about +20 ° C. Average depth - 20-30 m Certification - from OWD PADI.


Sipadan Island - is the top of an extinct underwater volcano, which rises out of the sea for almost a kilometer, but the whole island today's activity is associated with diving. Sipadan - an island that is still contested in Malaysia and Indonesia (according to modern maps, it refers to the first of the countries), but really it belongs only to divers.

Sipadan can get around on foot in half an hour, but around this lush island full swing underwater life that he would be the envy and large islands and the local population of sea turtles - one of the largest in the world. The most amazing place on the island - Barracuda Point - a body of water where giant schools of barracuda, gathering in flocks of thousands of pieces, twisted into a spiral, creating fantastic patterns.

At the other end of the island are going to the same flock karanksov. Swim inside the pack, you can watch this endless bizarre dance, emitting a silvery radiance. Around the island inhabited by reef sharks, who are not afraid of divers and allow himself to shoot at close range. Divers of these small sharks also not afraid - and fun pictures.

When to go:
The season lasts all year, but from May to November - Heavy rains and the water becomes less transparent.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - +29 ... +30 ° C. Thermoclines possible to +27 ° C. The temperature is above +40 ° C with high humidity. Certification level - from OWD PADI.


Choice of dive sites in Thailand incredible: almost everywhere in the country, while on the islands or on the coast, you can be sure of the existence of any nearby center with rental boats and equipment, and almost all interesting dive.

To travel to the island Similanovy expensive comfortable dive safari. Richelieu Rock - Mecca experienced divers who goes there to watch the rare whale shark, for the uninitiated there because of the strong current is too difficult. On small remote islands easily meet robinzonovidnyh Americans and Englishmen: dive once arrived, they stayed there forever - and now sleep in hammocks, laboring instructors.

But the most important in the country of refuge divers - Tao rocky island with blue-blue lagoons, turned into one big dive resort. Around - the underwater rocks and boulders covered with corals, sea turtles, reef sharks, angelfish, parrotfish, and in March and April in the coastal waters, there are more whale sharks. No diving time on Koh Tao will also interested in: laid across the island several scenic walking trails.

With each rock wonderful open views of the lagoon, and on the Banana Rock you can enjoy the ocean directly from the cocktail bar with hammocks. But even easier to express the dignity of Tao in numbers for the two dives here take only $ 40, and the guide books mention 26 different dive sites. In fact, they are even more in any diving center you will readily give out "trade secret" and prompt a few more.

When to go:
Season - from February to October, the best time - from February to March.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature +26 ... +29 ° C. Visibility - from 10 to 30 m Average depth - 15-20 m Certification - from OWD.

South Red Sea

The most popular places for diving in the Red Sea are the reefs of Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab and Hurghada. But total occupation of these places makes tourists to explore new territory, to move away from intrusive salesmen and bursts of diving jeeps and boats - to the southern coast of the Red Sea, from El Kezira to the border with Sudan.

On the surface it is a desert and hundreds of miles of virtually uninhabited coast. Underwater - coral gardens, caves, canyons and most have not been frightened by divers marine life. Among the rarest - turtles, squid, octopus, and an amazing mammal dugong. Utkonosopodobnye these creatures with fish tail are relatives of manatees.

All of the local population - the fishermen - are concentrated in the city of El Kezir village and Marsa Alam. Between these settlements uninhabited since the pharaohs. Once in Marsa Alam, two years ago, completed the construction of the airport, where the first mnogozvezdochnye hotel with a dive center. But even more interesting - in diving camps organized by enthusiasts: this whole city divers, in which there are bungalows, tents, restaurants, dive school, the pressure chamber, equipment rental, photo studio. All for diving - and nothing else.

When to go:
At any time, but best of all - from November to March.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - about +29 ° C in summer, +20 ... +22 ° C in winter. Can sometimes be a hindrance strong winds, causing flow. Average visibility - 20 m Certification - from OWD PADI.


Dive into the water and under the earth at the same time - a special diving exotic, and its main focus is the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. Here is the longest underwater cave system in the world (registered 60 different cave systems of up to 68 km, but the dive expedition still discovering new ones). Entrance to the cave is called cenote, which translated from the Mayan language means "well".

The Indians called cenotes "gateway to the world of the dead," and, considering them sacred water, dumped there gifts to gods - from gold jewelry to the sacrificed tribesmen. All that is any archaeological value, has long been lifted to the surface, but that the cenotes have not lost their appeal.

Most of them are located near Cancun's right in the jungle. On the surface of the cenotes do look like wells or small pools. To get to some of them, we have to climb over the rocks along with all the equipment, sometimes even jump into the water from three meters. Climbing and jumping is why: fabulously beautiful scenery cave, underground dome with air, giant underwater stalactites and stalagmites. And yet - the water, so transparent, that sometimes it seems that soar in weightlessness. Only destroy the illusion of bubbles from the cylinders.

When to go:
All year round, but the best time - May to July. In August and September - the highest probability of hurricanes.
Conditions for diving:
Water temperature - +25 ... +27 ° C. Visibility - up to 85 m The required level of certification - from AOWD PADI plus experience of night diving.

Barents Sea

Immersion in cold seas - an extreme offshoot of diving. Not everyone get into the water with a temperature of +4 ° C, even in a dry suit - the only one who drives the curiosity and pride pioneers. Someone has got to scuba flippers and to the Antarctic ice and the North Pole. Less radical, in their own interest, and relatively cheap way to test himself in the icy water - Barents Sea.

Barents Unlike white - sea, consider the southern edge of the Arctic Ocean, but the water is a little warmer because of the Gulf Stream. Russian divers is base on the Kola Peninsula, to be exact - on a tiny peninsula in a remote German border area, where up to Norway at hand. To get here, you must obtain permission Border Service of the North-East district.

Here the cold winds blow and the snow does not melt until July, the most pleasant time - August, when ripe cloudberries, blueberries, blueberry, cranberry and stone bramble. Underwater world of the Barents Sea is interesting steep walls, sea anemones, seals, whales, belugas, dolphins, northern, salmon, crab. And all kinds, as expressed by divers, "iron" - placers cartridges, shells and sunken ships.